Miscarriage Information
why has this happened?
We will probably never know why, but it is usually because the pregnancy did not develop properly. Around one in five pregnancies end in miscarriage, and there was nothing you could have done to have changed this, or anything to cause it either. This is not your fault because you went to work, lifted something or ate the wrong food.
If you have been bleeding and passed your pregnancy, your womb (uterus) may have emptied and you need no further treatment. This is called a ‘complete miscarriage’.
Missed/Delayed miscarriage means that your baby may have died or not developed. However, the pregnancy or empty sac is still inside the womb. Some women pass pregnancy tissue but there is still some bleeding or tissue left inside the womb. This is called an ‘incomplete miscarriage’
If you have been bleeding and passed your pregnancy, your womb (uterus) may have emptied and you need no further treatment. This is called a ‘complete miscarriage’.
Missed/Delayed miscarriage means that your baby may have died or not developed. However, the pregnancy or empty sac is still inside the womb. Some women pass pregnancy tissue but there is still some bleeding or tissue left inside the womb. This is called an ‘incomplete miscarriage’
what do i do now?
For a missed or incomplete miscarriage there are three things we can offer:
1. Natural management – also called conservative or ‘wait and see’
2. Medical management – tablet treatment
3. Surgical management – procedure either while you are awake or asleep
As long as you are well, you do not need to rush into a decision today. You are probably upset, so it is okay for you to take some time to think or talk to your family. You can also choose to come back in a few days when you have had time to think of any questions.
1. Natural management – also called conservative or ‘wait and see’
2. Medical management – tablet treatment
3. Surgical management – procedure either while you are awake or asleep
As long as you are well, you do not need to rush into a decision today. You are probably upset, so it is okay for you to take some time to think or talk to your family. You can also choose to come back in a few days when you have had time to think of any questions.
natural/conservative/'wait and see' management
If you are at an earlier stage in pregnancy, you may prefer to wait and let the miscarriage happen naturally, and this could happen over the next few days or maybe two to three weeks. If you choose this option, we will want to review you, monitor your progress and ensure that the womb empties as it should. You can call us with any concerns or if things are taking longer than you expected and you no longer want to wait. If you are later in pregnancy, or have any signs of infection, we may suggest that this is not a good option for you
Does it hurt?
Most women have strong period-like pains/cramps especially when the pregnancy is expelled. Some women describe bad contraction labour pains. Use a hot water bottle and take regular normal period painkillers (avoid aspirin). You are also likely to have heavy bleeding and clots for a few hours, then a period like bleed for around two weeks. You may see the sac or pregnancy especially if you are miscarrying after 8-10 weeks. If you have concerns, bleeding where you are soaking pads or in severe pain that is not settling with regular painkillers, call us.
Are there any risks if I miscarry naturally?
You could bleed too heavily, or may need medicine or surgery if the miscarriage does not happen naturally. There is a risk of retained tissue in the weeks following treatment or infection. The risks however are low, and the staff will discuss these with you.
Does it hurt?
Most women have strong period-like pains/cramps especially when the pregnancy is expelled. Some women describe bad contraction labour pains. Use a hot water bottle and take regular normal period painkillers (avoid aspirin). You are also likely to have heavy bleeding and clots for a few hours, then a period like bleed for around two weeks. You may see the sac or pregnancy especially if you are miscarrying after 8-10 weeks. If you have concerns, bleeding where you are soaking pads or in severe pain that is not settling with regular painkillers, call us.
Are there any risks if I miscarry naturally?
You could bleed too heavily, or may need medicine or surgery if the miscarriage does not happen naturally. There is a risk of retained tissue in the weeks following treatment or infection. The risks however are low, and the staff will discuss these with you.
miscarriage treatments
For more information on treatments please click here: