About your telephone consultation
Many of our consultations are carried out by a nurse on the telephone. However, we are increasingly offering video consultations. NHS Attend Anywhere is a secure web-based platform that can be used on any PC, Mac or Android device (via Google Chrome) or iOS/Macs (via Safari). Attend Anywhere can only be accessed via the latest version of Chrome or Safari.
If you have been booked for a video call, please go to:
https://nhs.vc/rgn/gyne at your appointment time and enter your name and telephone number to connect to the nurse. Your information is not stored beyond the length of the video call.
We ask that you read the appropriate leaflet and consent form prior to your consultation. This is to make sure you fully understand your options and write down any questions you need answering by the nurse.
The consultation will take about 40-50 minutes. Please make sure you have somewhere safe and quiet to take the call and have a notepad/pen available to write down any details.
If you feel it would be better for you to attend the clinic for this discussion, please let our nurses know so they can book an appointment for you.
At the beginning of the call we will confirm your personal information. We will then talk about your pregnancy options and if you decide to end the pregnancy we will perform a medical assessment, discuss your treatment options, and formally consent you for treatment. We also talk about your future contraception needs and STI testing.
If you are less than 10 weeks, have no medical exemptions and want tablet treatment, we may be able to send the medicines to your home address if the two doctors agree.
If you are having surgery or inpatient medical treatment, the nurse will discuss this further at your consultation.
If you have been booked for a video call, please go to:
https://nhs.vc/rgn/gyne at your appointment time and enter your name and telephone number to connect to the nurse. Your information is not stored beyond the length of the video call.
We ask that you read the appropriate leaflet and consent form prior to your consultation. This is to make sure you fully understand your options and write down any questions you need answering by the nurse.
The consultation will take about 40-50 minutes. Please make sure you have somewhere safe and quiet to take the call and have a notepad/pen available to write down any details.
If you feel it would be better for you to attend the clinic for this discussion, please let our nurses know so they can book an appointment for you.
At the beginning of the call we will confirm your personal information. We will then talk about your pregnancy options and if you decide to end the pregnancy we will perform a medical assessment, discuss your treatment options, and formally consent you for treatment. We also talk about your future contraception needs and STI testing.
If you are less than 10 weeks, have no medical exemptions and want tablet treatment, we may be able to send the medicines to your home address if the two doctors agree.
If you are having surgery or inpatient medical treatment, the nurse will discuss this further at your consultation.